Garry McGivern Travelsonabike2 is cycle touring in the UK on Sunday, 25th-September-2022. Bognor Regis to Brockenhurst. 60 miles. Well, the weather was so good this morning that I decided to come to the New Forest for the night. And it’s the last night of the season for Hollands Wood campsite, where I usually stay. And besides, this will only be my second time down here this year. I’m normally here a lot more than that.
The ride down was good, and to be honest, I felt pretty good. My anaemia seemed bad when I started, as in shortness of breath. But then it settled down, and as I said, I felt good. Even at the end of today, I was fine. Whereas in France, I was completely worn out at the end of the day. Mind you for supper last night. I had liver and bacon with loads of kale and broccoli, so that may have helped.

I got told on the way down here that they’d released the pigs into the forest. Apparently, it’s something they do every year. They release them to eat the acorns, which aren’t good for the ponies. I must admit that I’d never heard of it before. But when I got down here, there were a couple of pigs milling around the campsite. Well, there you go; you learn something new every day.
I was thinking of going over to the Isle of Wight tomorrow, but I’m not too sure how I’d cope with the hills. So I’ll probably just head home. Besides, it’s Indya’s birthday on Tuesday, and I’ve got the hospital on Wednesday and Thursday this week.
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