Bike-Ride To Australia 5th-November 2011

Bike-Ride To Australia 5th-November 2011 Bitche, France to Pforzheim, Germany. 84 miles. A pleasant ride through the forests that straddle the border between France and Germany. And wait for it, no wind or rain! Plus, it was relatively flat! Although it didn’t stay flat for long. And I was soon cycling up Col du Pigeonnier at 432 metres.

Autumn trees
Autumn colours in the forest along the French/German border

I’m not too sure about these German roads! They don’t seem to have many road numbers, just where the road goes, which is fine if you know where you’re going! I don’t, or rather I do! I’m heading for Australia! But on my map, there are very few towns between one night’s stop and the next. And none of them is on the signs!

I’m staying at a huge hotel tonight, and I’m the only one here! Midweek it’s probably full of businessmen. But come the weekend, it’s dead! Supper was nice tonight. They seem to give you bread as standard with a side dip or spread. It tasted like beef dripping tonight, lovely. I’ve not had that since I was young.

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Bike-Ride To Australia 4th-November 2011

Bike-Ride To Australia 4th-November 2011 Perl-Sinz, Germany to Bitche, France. 77 miles. I took my time over breakfast this morning, knowing I’d be going uphill as soon as I stepped out of the hotel. It didn’t help that it was also blowing a gale and raining! Eventually, though, I had to bite the bullet and get on my way. As usual, the hill wasn’t that bad. The sun also came out after an hour or two, although the day finished in the rain, again! The thought of a hill is always worse than the deed! It’s a bit like going to the dentist!

I had my first puncture today! Which was made even more annoying by the fact I’d found a flat piece of road to cycle on! Which on this ride seems a bit of a rarity! It didn’t take long to fix, and I was soon back on my way, cycling beside the River Saar. I must admit that I’m finding this ride a bit harder than expected! Not so much because of the hills and wind, although they don’t help! No, it’s more to do with the length of the day. I don’t mind the days starting in the dark. I know it’s going to get light. But when it’s mid-afternoon, and it’s already getting dark, and will stay dark for the remainder of the day. I’m not so keen, especially when it starts to rain, as it has today!

At least tonight’s hotel has the internet, the first time I’ve had it since leaving England! It was heartwarming and very encouraging to see all the messages of support posted on my website and social media channels. It makes me feel like I’m not too far away from home. I’m back in France tonight, which should be my last by my calculation! I cross into Germany for good tomorrow, where I’ll be for a few days. My fourth country.

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Germany, Cycling To Australia 3rd November 2011

A road with trees in the background

Garry McGivern is in Germany, cycling to Australia on the 3rd of November 2011. Margut, France to Peel-Sinz, Germany. 74 miles. I was on the road nice and early today and just as well! I wouldn’t have got half as far had I not. Wind, rain and hills, I’ve had the lot today! I was glad to finish, especially as the road had just started to climb again! That hill can wait until tomorrow; I want a beer!

I cycled through Luxembourg today. Unfortunately, I didn’t see a lot; it was raining too much! Despite it being very hilly, I still managed to cycle across the entire country in one day! And there are not too many countries that you can say that about! We won’t mention that it was only 30 miles! Despite never going to Luxembourg before, it brought back many memories of camping when I was young. In the tent at night, I would always listen to “Radio Luxembourg.” Broadcasting from the Grand Dutchie, I think, was their tagline? It was the only thing to listen to at night, and I have vivid memories of Ian Dury and the Blockheads and their song “Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick!” Haha, happy memories!

Sorry Guv

I got a ticking off from the police this morning after getting caught cycling on a motorway! Oops! I just played the dumb tourist. Wait, I don’t need to play the dumb tourist. I am!

Nobody speaks any English at tonight’s hotel, which I suppose I should start getting used to. Entertaining evening trying to explain to the hotel owner what I was doing, which I think I managed! All I heard for the rest of the evening branded around was “blah blah blah Australia!”

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France, Cycling To Australia 2nd November 2011

Garry McGivern is in France, cycling to Australia on the 2nd of November 2011. Le Nouvion to Margut 81 miles. A much better day today despite nearly riding headlong into a lorry first thing! That’s two mornings on the trot now. Maybe it’s my medication!

The mornings are so dark and misty. I spend the first couple of hours cycling in the dark! And there are not many hours of daylight. No sooner does it seem to get light than it’s getting dark again. It makes the days very short! Because the days are so short, I think I’m going to give up on the idea of camping! Besides, I’ve not seen a single campsite since arriving in France!

I know staying in hotels, motels or whatever turns up is going to cost, and it’ll blow my £40 a day budget! But hopefully, I’ll crawl the extra cost back when I’m in Asia. I’m not ruling out camping. And if a campsite appears at the right time, I’ll use it. But going on what I’ve seen so far. I don’t expect to see any!

French countryside
Autumn colours in the French countryside

After deciding not to camp anymore, I’ve felt a lot more relaxed. Like I said earlier, I’m not ruling out camping completely. I’m just not going to beat myself up if I can’t! I think I had it in my mind that if I couldn’t find a campsite, I should be wild camping! But with the days being so short, that just gets miserable and lonely!

Cycling has been hard going again! Apart from being very hilly this morning, I’ve had a relentless headwind, which has been with me since arriving in France! I must make a mental note before going to sleep tonight. To ride on the right-hand side of the road when I leave the hotel in the morning!

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