Bike-Ride to Australia Monday 19th-March-2012. In Perth. After breakfast, which I had to cook myself! I unpacked my bike and re-assembled it in record time. I’m getting good at this bike assembling malarkey! Everything seemed okay, and the bike was in one piece, apart from the screw I’d sawed off.
With the bike assembled, I needed to find a bike shop that would service my bike and replace the screw I’d sawn off. It could be important. It holds the handlebars. I’d already researched a couple of shops on the internet when I was in Bali. And just as well, I had with the extortionate prices they charge here for the internet!
With my list of cycle shops in hand I went in search, and soon got lost! But unlike in Kuala Lumpur, everybody spoke English, and it was easy to get directions. I popped into an estate agent’s office, and the kind lady Googled the address for me. I wasn’t that far away, and I was soon able to find the shop with her directions.
At The Shop
The two men in the shop were both friendly and helpful. And after looking at the bike said that considering how far I’d cycled, it was in good condition. And the only things that needed attention from their quick look was a new chainset, and the brake cables required tightening. And, of course, a new screw! They said the bike should be ready by late tomorrow afternoon. I left the bike with them and headed back to the hotel by bus, which, as all the locals say, “is only a couple of bucks”.
Later on in the day, the bike shop phoned me. Unfortunately, their local stockist didn’t have the right size chainset, and they’d have to order one from Melbourne. But that wouldn’t arrive until midday on Wednesday. It looks as if I’ve got to stay in Perth a bit longer than planned, but it is what it is!
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