This week’s on this day post comes from the 8th-July-2012. I’m in the middle of my world tour, but after being knocked off my bike twenty-three miles from my finish in New York, I returned home. But I didn’t tell anybody. Although social media was around back then, it wasn’t so prominent, and it was easier to hide. But then again, according to my mate Mick I spent the entire year at a hotel in Gatwick. And just used to roll down a different background for photos!

Sunday 8th July 2012 – New York to London Gatwick via Dublin
Not that any of you will know this for a few days, I want to surprise everybody at home. But after being knocked off my bike, I returned home to England. The flight from America was nice and smooth, and the only problem I had was the onboard entertainment on my seat wasn’t working. But as I had an empty seat next to me, I just watched that one.
I had to transfer planes in Dublin, which all seemed okay. I looked out of the window while waiting to take off, and it was raining, good old Ireland.
My bike and bag were the first to come out on the carousel at Gatwick airport, and I was in and out of Gatwick airport in record time. As I was still in a fair amount of pain from my accident, I got a taxi to my hotel.
I was going to put my bike back together straight away this afternoon but decided to leave it until tomorrow. And instead went to the nearby pub and had a roast dinner! Where I remained into the early evening. I was trying to stay awake for as long as possible. I hadn’t had any sleep in over thirty-six hours, but I could feel myself nodding off, so I thought it was best to go back to the hotel. Rather than fall asleep in the pub.