Bike-Ride To Australia Sunday 15th-January 2012 Dongguan. After such a late night yesterday, I forgot to mention that the two teachers I met have asked me to go along to their school and meet the pupils. I don’t usually stop anywhere more than one night, but I had so much fun last night, and the people are so friendly I’ve decided to stay another night and go along to the school. It could be a good experience.
After a bit of a lay in this morning, I went down to reception. I wanted to see if I could get the internet to use my laptop in my room. The girl at reception, who didn’t really understand me, came up to my room so I could explain a bit easier. Although she couldn’t connect me, she moved me to another room with its own computer in it!
People Are So Hospitable
After checking my emails, I went to go out for a wander. Handing the room key over to the girl at reception, she’d been on a translation site and had written me a note! Asking me to join them for something to eat again! After my little wander (there wasn’t a lot to see), I went back to the hotel and into the courtyard, where I was just in time to see a chicken getting slaughtered! Which was quickly plucked, gutted, cleaned, cut up and put into a pot to cook. Every part of the chicken was used, including the head! Which just sat on top of the broth!

Different people started to arrive, and they all joined in, in preparing lunch. That was everybody except me! I felt pretty guilty but didn’t know what to do. However, I did help with some tables and chairs. With all the cooking finished, it formed a huge feast laid out on the tables, with the women sitting at one table and the men sitting at the other. And of course, there was plenty of alcohol, not the same homebrew from last night, though. This time we had Baijiu, a strong, clear liquor, served in plastic cups. I was very conscious that I’d better not drink too much. I was due at school in the evening, another great meal and afternoon.
Time For School
I went along to the school this evening. School goes on until 9 pm as they’re all boarders. I went into the classroom, where the students sat quietly at their desks. Although it was a bit of a job to see any of them, their desks were piled high with books, some of the students could only just see over the top of them! I introduced myself, told them what I was doing and why, and with my world map, explained my route. I then asked them if they had any questions. There was silence; this was an English lesson, so surely they understood some of what I was saying? Then one of the teachers repeated what I had said but with a strong Chinese accent! They’d never heard English spoken without an accent! The teacher also explained that they were a little shy and embarrassed! They were embarrassed! I found it all rather intimidating!

The students started to open up and were now asking questions. I even got the chalk out and wrote to explain where I lived on the chalkboard! Now I really did feel like a teacher! It was time to go after an hour or so, so I said goodbye. One brave girl stood up and asked if she could have a photo with me, to which I obviously said yes after that, one of the teachers asked if there was anybody else who would like a photograph. To which there was a mad scramble, and all of a sudden, I was mobbed! An absolutely brilliant experience and another lasting memory of this trip.
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