Bike-Ride To Australia 15th-November 2011

Lookout tower

Bike-Ride To Australia 15th-November 2011 Mohacs, Hungary to Novi Sad, Serbia. 104 miles. Another cold start, but at least it’s dry, which is a lot better than rain!

Croatia came and went today, my seventh country. As I cycled up to the Croatian border, I was worried it was closed. There was a long line of lorries that weren’t moving! But thankfully, all other traffic was being let through, well, at least bikes! I never saw any other vehicles.

I got the first two stamps in my passport today, one as I crossed into Croatia, the other on my exit. Whilst I was waiting for my entry stamp into Croatia, I was being asked a lot of questions by a rather portly man. I wasn’t sure who he was as he wasn’t in a uniform, although he had a badge on his suit lapel. Maybe he was the secret police! I think he was asking me where I was going, so I told him, not sure what he thought, or whether it’s what he wanted to know! But he shook his head at certain countries.

Warning sign
Watch out there are mines in those fields
Signs Of War

It was a pleasant ride through Croatia, nice and flat. As I cycled through Osijek, I noticed a couple of houses that looked as if they were riddled with bullet holes! But I decided it probably wasn’t bullets, and it was something else. Then about a kilometre out of Osijek, when I was away from any houses and surrounded by fields, I noticed some signs with skulls and crossbones on them! And after a closure look, I realised they were warning about mines! Perhaps they were bullet holes in the houses, after all, the Croatian war of the 90s! I’m glad I didn’t pop into the fields for a comfort break. That could have been painful! I had more border checks crossing into Serbia, but again, no problem and I’m now in country number eight.

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Bike-Ride To Australia 14th-November 2011

Bike by road

Bike-Ride To Australia 14th-November 2011 Szekesfehervar to Mohacs 91 miles. Another cold and frosty start to the day. It’s not warmed up all day! And the only layer to come off today was my hat!

Little market stall outside a house
One of the many little stalls outside peoples houses

Hungary has been kind to me! So far, the route I’ve picked has seen very few hills, and the roads have been quiet. The only time the traffic increases is near motorway junctions and in towns. Although the roads aren’t good, they’re in a bit of a state! Not with potholes, just ruts, which are pretty deep! I have to be careful when negotiating them, my pedals catch on the sides, and I’ve nearly fallen off a couple of times!

Horse and cart
I’ve seen plenty of horse and carts today
Please Donate

Don’t forget the main reason behind my ride. I want to raise as much money for cancer research charities as possible. After my wife, Josie, died of breast cancer in 2007, aged only 42. Even the smallest donation helps. You can donate to Cancer Research UK or the Australian National Breast Cancer Foundation. Click on either one to donate. Every little bit helps to rid the world of this cruel disease.

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You can also follow my progress and see where I stop each night by visiting the Where’s Garry web page; there, you’ll find a map of the route I’ve taken so far.

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Hungary, Cycling To Australia 13th November 2011

Garry McGivern is in Hungary, cycling to Australia on the 13th of November 2011, Mosonmagyarovar to Szekesfehervar 79 miles. Gone are the new Audi’s and BMWs of Germany and Austria, replaced with battered old Fiats and Opel’s! The roads are also a lot quieter now.

It was a very frosty first thing today and took quite a while before the sun burned it off. My ride today has been flat, with no wind. With it being so still and flat, I made good progress this morning and decided to stop at the side of the road for a bite to eat. I’d just finished the roll that I’d got from breakfast this morning when an old Vauxhall pulled up. And out jumped three men! Not feeling too easy about the situation, I started to get ready to move.

Aeroplane by building
Interesting use of a plane

One of the men rushed towards me and made gestures that he wanted money and was offering me a ring! Sternly I said no and packed my bike up, but he wouldn’t give up! He just kept going on, “lovely ring, very good quality.” In the end, I think his mates got fed up and called him back to the car. Luckily they drove off in the opposite direction to which I was going! I don’t suppose this will be my only scare on this trip, but I’d like to it was!

Subscribe to Garry’s blog and follow Garry’s cycle ride around the world. Plus, you’ll receive news and updates on all future tours.

Bike-Ride To Australia 12th-November 2011

Bike-Ride To Australia  12th-November 2011 Vienna to Mosonmagyarovar, Hungary 62 miles. The hotel last night was a bit of a joke! It was very modern and looked expensive. And I was a bit worried about the price! But as it turned out, it was very cheap. (I know why now!) After being told that the restaurant was open till nine. And the bar till 10.45. I was a bit shocked when at 8.35, they both closed!

The girl working behind the bar just said she was closing, as she’d been there since eight this morning! Was that my fault? I nearly said that I’d been riding for 10 hours and cycled 130 km! In the end, I decided to keep my mouth shut! And just ordered a few beers before she left! Breakfast was the same this morning! It was supposed to be from 6.30, but there was no staff again. There was also a group of German women. They weren’t happy either!

The Arsenal Vienna
The Arsenal Vienna

I only realised late last night that the city I was staying in was Vienna. I thought the incompetent girl on reception, who was also the girl who closed the bar, had given me a map of the wrong city! She gave me a map of Vienna! I was staying in Wien!

Road and bridge
At the Hungarian border

It was very windy this morning, but it had died down by this afternoon, making for a pleasant ride into Hungary. My sixth country. It is also my first country where they don’t take the Euro, which I hadn’t realised until I went to buy something! So I stopped early today so that I could get some local currency. I shouldn’t need much, as I think I’ll only be here for a couple of days. The other shock after entering Hungary was Tesco’s are here! I should have brought my club card!

Cars on roundabout
Tesco’s opposite my hotel!

Subscribe to Garry’s blog and follow Garry’s cycle ride around the world. Plus, you’ll receive news and updates on all future tours.