This week’s Travelsonabike2 bicycle touring on this day post comes from Indonesia on the 8th-March-2012. I’m still in Indonesia this week, but have now moved on to Java. Unfortunately, I’m not feeling too good.
Thursday, 8th March 2012. Pamanukan to Cirebon. 75 miles.
No rush to get up this morning; breakfast wasn’t until seven. My bike had been in my room and left loaded. And the only thing I needed to do this morning was to pack away my toiletries. That’s when I noticed I had a flat tyre. How annoying I would have to unload and reload the bike back up after all.
I made good progress this morning, with a nice tailwind helping me along. But by lunchtime, I was starting to feel rough. I decided that maybe having something to eat might help. After all, I’d not had anything since breakfast. Lunch did make me feel better, but not 100%.
I still wasn’t feeling great when I reached Cirebon, so I decided to stop. But stopping and finding a hotel are two completely different things. It took me five hotels before I found one that had a room. They were all full, or that’s what they told me. After checking in, I lay on the bed and fell asleep for an hour or so.

That’s Better
After a nap, I felt much better again and went out for a wander. I needed some cash and went to an ATM. Blimey, I thought I’d won the lottery. I had millions in my account. That was until I realised the balance was in rupiah, not pounds. They say McDonald’s is taking over the world. I’d say it was more like KFC. I’ve seen them everywhere. Although, that may be because I’ve been predominately in Muslim countries, where they don’t eat beef.
I’m still not feeling too good tonight. I hope I’m not coming down with something. It didn’t help when I saw a giant rat run across the floor in the hotel restaurant. I’m tucking my trousers in my socks. Oops. I don’t have any socks!
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If you want to find out if Garry’s away touring at the moment and check his location, visit the Where’s Garry web page.