Travelsonabike2 France Tuesday 14th-May-2019


Garry McGivern Travelsonabike2 is cycle touring in France Tuesday 14th-May-2019. Saint-Malo to Genets. 55 miles. Well, that was a hard ride today! There’s been a strong headwind all day, apart from maybe the last ten miles! But despite the wind, it’s still been an enjoyable day. It felt good to be back cycling in France, even though I was only here a few weeks ago!

Cycle route sign
The route I’ve been following today

I would say it was nice to cycle somewhere different, but it wasn’t! Well, it was, but it wasn’t different. I’ve cycled this way quite a few times over the years! But it’s been a few years since I last cycled it. It’s funny, but some parts of today’s route were so familiar, but other parts I didn’t recognise at all. Even though I was on the cycle route, which I’m sure I would have followed before.

Man and trees
Along the tree lined cycle paths

I’ve made up my mind about where I’m going, or at least in which direction. I’m going to stick to the coast and follow it for as far as I can get, which might even be Calais. Although that might be a little too ambitious. Basically, I’m going to retrace the route I took on my very first long-distance ride back in 2008.

You can follow my progress by looking at the map on the “Where’s Garry” page. And of course, there are always my social media channels Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Alternatively, you can subscribe to my blog, where you’ll not only receive my daily updates. But you’ll be the first to hear news on future tours.

Travelsonabike2 England Monday 13th-May-2019

Beach water boats

Garry McGivern Travelsonabike2 is cycle touring in England on Monday, 13th-May-2019. Bognor Regis to Portsmouth. 33 miles. After realising that I’ve got ten days where I don’t have any hospital or doctor’s appointments, I’ve decided to head to France and Saint-Malo. And I’m currently sitting on the Brittany ferry Bretagne, waiting to depart Portsmouth.

I don’t know where or what direction I’m going to head once I get to France. All I know is that I’m going to Saint-Malo, where I should arrive at about eight o’clock tomorrow morning. Hopefully, overnight, I’ll decide where I’m heading, or maybe not!!

The staff on the boat tonight have been brilliant and have been helping me out no end. When I went to get supper in the self-service restaurant, the staff were there on hand to carry my tray and see me to a table. If I had known that I would get this kind of service, I would have bought a crutch long ago!

After supper, I spent an hour or so in the bar, which wasn’t very enjoyable. It’s like Butlins on sea with all the cheesy cabaret! I soon left. After all, I still get pretty tired and need my beauty sleep.

Water boats
I’m sure they’ll close this before we sail!

You can follow my progress (once I make up my mind, that is) by looking at the map on the “Where’s Garry” page. And, of course, there are always my social media channels: Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Alternatively, you can subscribe to my blog, where you’ll not only receive my daily updates. But you’ll be the first to hear news on future tours.

Odd Photos Taken In April 2019


A collection of odd photos that have appeared on the website in April, and the various media platforms that Garry blogs on, plus some extra ones.

Not a particularly busy month, but Garry’s still been busy taking photos, while out walking and travelling around on his bike.

Photos included this month; Portsmouth, the New Forest, Isle of Wight, and pets! Not Garry’s, just the ones he’s been looking after in the past few weeks.

Read the stories behind the photos by visiting Garry’s April 2019 update.


April 2019 Update

Beach sea prom

Garry McGivern’s April 2019 update. Not a great deal has happened this month, although it has been a bit interesting on the health front! Firstly, I get told by my physio that one leg is longer than the other, really! Looks like I’ll be wearing special shoes now then!

Beer barrels on the beach
Thought my birthday and Christmas had all come together when these washed up on the beach!

A week or so later I receive a letter from my consultant telling me I’ve got subsidence in my stem! I guess I’ll need underpinning now! I’ve also got a feeling that my hip has started to loosen!

But apart from my subsidence, and possible loose hip, I’m feeling very well and am now walking without a crutch or stick, although not for long distances, for them I still need aids.

Lambs field
Spring lambs
Back On The Road, Briefly

If you remember back to last month, I had to be home to cat sit for Vicky and Julie! Well, as soon as that came to an end, I was off on my bike!

A couple of my favourite campsites had opened, and I was itching to get back to them! Hollands Wood in the New Forest and Adgestone on the Isle of Wight.

Cat on a bike
Murphy wanted to come away with me

A nice little trip and once again it was nice to see some familiar faces at the campsites. Although I must admit, I’m getting a bit bored cycling the same old routes! I would love to go on a long tour, preferably abroad and preferably somewhere where I’ve not been before! But I think I may be pushing things at the moment, especially if my hip is starting to loosen!

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