Garry Gets His Covid-19 Vaccination

Garry gets his Covid-19 vaccination which gives him another excuse to leave town and go on a short ride! This time it’s to Chichester, where the vaccines are being provided. It’s only nine miles away, but Garry will take anything these days! And to make the ride last a bit longer, he came home via Tangmere and Oving.

After hearing that they were now vaccinating Garry’s age group, he wasted no time booking his appointment. Garry was pleasantly surprised at how quick he got an appointment. He went online on Saturday and got a slot five days later. He also got a date to go for his second injection at the end of May.

Now perhaps Garry can start looking forward to getting back in the saddle and go touring, although maybe not abroad! That depends on what restrictions other countries impose and whether or not a vaccine visa will be required!

Camping in the UK also looks a bit restricted, at least to start with. When campsites are allowed to open, which will be from the 14th April, at the earliest, they will only be open for campers with their own facilities! From the 17th May, at the earliest! Campsites look as if they will be open their facilities allowing Garry to go camping, that’s if they’re not all full!

The 17th May is also an important date for international travel. If everything has gone to plan, that will be the earliest date people can travel abroad for a holiday. Or, in Garry’s case, go on a bike ride! Garry’s at least hoping to make it across the channel to France, if not further afield! But it is all dependent on what happens with his hip operation, which looks as though it might happen soon! But then again, we’ve all heard that before, a couple of times!


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2 Replies to “Garry Gets His Covid-19 Vaccination”

  1. Priceless! That was a nice ride. The wind seems to be a feature of our weather these days. It’s our old enemy.

    1. Nothing worse than a strong wind, well, apart from strong wind and rain! That’s what you get for living on the coast, although I think the wind last week was across the whole country.
      Let’s hope that now I’ve had this jab, I’ll be able to make it over to the Isle of Wight this year!

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