March-2024 Garry McGivern’s regular monthly update. What another wet month. This weather is starting to get boring now, especially as some of the campsites have opened up. Although I think I mentioned last month that Grange Farm on the Isle of Wight had delayed their opening from the first of the month because everywhere was so wet. It was probably just as well they didn’t open, as there was a weather warning for strong winds on the weekend they were due to open. And it’s windy enough at the best of times on the cliff at Grange Farm.
Luckily, later in the month, Holland’s Wood in the New Forest opened up, and I was able to get down there for a couple of nights. Although they only had part of the campsite open because everywhere was so wet. I was due to go to France, but I messed up the booking. It was just as well after France and the UK were hit by storm Nelson. Are we ever going to get some good weather?
MRI Scan
After saying last month that I was waiting for an MRI scan, the appointment came through the following day. And I had the scan a few days later. After having the scan, I was told to wait for the doctor, which was slightly worrying. (They usually let you go and say the results will be sent to the referring doctor.) So I was told to sit in the waiting area and was brought a cup and biscuits.
After a ten-minute wait, the radiologist came out and said there had been some changes from the last scan. (I sort of already knew that; that’s why I was there!) She said the doctor had taken a good look and I was okay to go home. Phew! For a minute or two, I thought they were going to keep me in hospital. As I cycled home, I realised I hadn’t asked what or where the changes were. Anyway, a couple of days later, Will from the musculoskeletal team phoned me with the results.

The Results
The good news was that my neck was unchanged, which was very good news. Although it doesn’t necesarally fit with the new symptoms I’m getting. Will said although the scan looked the same, it’s my new symptoms that they must go on. The bad news was that I’ve now got a slipped disc on the right of my spin. The opposite side to my existing disc bulge. They’ll now have another meeting to discuss me!
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