Travelsonabike2 India Monday 24th-October-2016

Garry McGivern Travelsonabike2 is cycle touring in India on Monday, 24th-October-2016. Panjh to Sagar. 48 miles. Much earlier start to the day; I was woken up at about 5.30. The call to prayer, which I tend to hear most mornings. So I’ve gotten used to it. Was followed by a load of women chanting just outside my door! I don’t think it was me that they were chanting at, but you never know!

Probably just as well I found that guesthouse last night as after that village, it was a jungle, and there were loads of monkeys. And as much as I like monkeys, spending the night with them is not high on my list of things to do! It was cool to see them this morning, though.

Monkeys in the road
Monkeys on the road

Short ride today I just didn’t fancy another late night. And looking at the map, it didn’t look as if there would be much chance of finding somewhere for a long time after Sagar. Thinking I’d found a nice hotel with wifi, I was wrong! The hotel itself was okay, but as for the wifi, forget it!

On the ride into Sagar, I got pulled over by a man on a motorcycle. He asked me to come to his school and meet his students. To which I was obviously more than happy; it was only about 400 yards back down the road.

Garry McGivern with some school children
Happy children at the school today
Back To School For Garry

It was only a small school with about 130 pupils aged between 7 and 11. At first, they were very nervous. But after a while, they came out of their shells, and I was completely surrounded by pupils wanting to shake my hand. Their English wasn’t that good, and the only real question they asked was what was my name? 

I got the impression that it was more of an ego trip for the headmaster or whatever he was than an educational thing for the children. But hey, I enjoyed it, and so did the children, I think!

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2 Replies to “Travelsonabike2 India Monday 24th-October-2016”

  1. Big kids, like the one at the back are now passing through Calais into Britain.
    Does the caste system still operate in towns and villages?

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