Travelsonabike2 India Sunday 30th-October-2016

Garry McGivern Travelsonabike2 is cycle touring in India on Sunday, 30th-October-2016. In Lucknow. I decided to stay put in the end today. As I said yesterday, I wanted to upload some videos onto the website.

All of the annoying videos that I’ve taken so far on this trip can be viewed in the link below if you are really that bored!

Staying put was definitely the right choice on a different front as I developed a bad stomach mid-morning, and without going into any detail, I’m so glad that I wasn’t cycling and the toilet was close by!

There’s plenty of rickshaws about
It’s Always The Same

Every time I develop an upset stomach which is very rare, it’s always when I stay in a poshish hotel! All the time I stay in lower stared establishments, I seem to be fine!

Vidhan Sabha Lucknow
Vidhan Sabha Lucknow

I eat salads which they say you shouldn’t. I clean my teeth with tap water. Again they say that’s something that you shouldn’t do. And I eat at street stalls where the plates and forks are rinsed with water that water probably isn’t the cleanest! But all this, I believe, helps build up the immune system!

Post office building in Lucknow
The general post office in Lucknow

The bigger posher hotels sort of try and do the food hygiene thing but get it wrong hence an upset stomach! I only ventured out late afternoon, and that wasn’t too far. I watched the fireworks from the hotel roof in the evening. All those sudden bangs could have ended in tears! Hopefully, I’ll be okay tomorrow!

Diwali fireworks

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