Travelsonabike2 England Wednesday 10th-July-2019

Garry McGivern Travelsonabike2 is cycle touring in England on Wednesday, 10th-July-2019. Bognor Regis to Salisbury. 75 miles. Well, hopefully, I’m on my way to Ireland! My plan is to cycle up to and then through Wales, where I’ll catch the Stena Line ferry from Fishguard across to Rosslare.

Once in Ireland, my plan is to cycle along the south coast of Ireland. And then up around the west coast. Across the top of Ireland and into Northern Ireland. Before heading south to Rosslare, where I’ll catch the ferry back to Wales. I’ve been flying along today, what with all the steroids I’m taking at the moment. Perhaps I should have entered the Tour de France!

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You can also follow my progress and see where I stop each night by visiting the Where’s Garry web page; there, you’ll find a map of the route I’ve taken so far, with pins marking my overnight stops.

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4 Replies to “Travelsonabike2 England Wednesday 10th-July-2019”

  1. Hurray you’re back on the road. Ireland!. 75 miles. Watch those women don’t put their hands up your shorts.

  2. May the road rise to meet you
    May the wind be always at your back
    May the sun shine warm apon your face
    The rain fall soft apon the fields
    And untill we meet again may God hold you in the palm of his hand.
    A little Irish blessing just for you Spike.
    Take care and have a wonderful time on the Emerald Isle x

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