Garry’s May-2022 Cycling Video – Episode-3 It’s been a windy night, camping on the cliff edge at Brighstone, and there’s more bad weather forecast for later in the day. So Garry decides to head off to the other side of the island, where it might be a little more sheltered.

The only trouble with getting across the island is there are one or two hills to negotiate. And with Garry’s hip being the way it is at the moment, hills aren’t good. Not that hills are ever that good, but he has to cross the island at some point, so it had just as well be today.
You can either watch the video below or on Garry’s YouTube channel. Either way, it won’t make it any more enjoyable! And, of course, you can always read Garry’s post from the day.
May-2022 Cycling Video – Episode-3
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